A knee replacement done in Nigeria

Meet Christiana Nwankwo a 68 year old Mama from Lagos. Mama Christiana suffered knocked knee deformity and that caused her a lot of pain. Mary’s major concern was solely looking after Mama Christiana and her paralysed father, Mary was in tears talking about her challenges when she brought Mama Christiana to us for examination.

Dr. Abhishek Patil, knee replacement surgeon in Kharadi , Pune, India. Clinically examined Mama Cristiana and highly recommended her total knee replacement surgery on both the knees. Convinced with the competencies and skills of the doctor, Mary and family immediately admitted Mama Christiana for her procedure at the Genesis Specialist Hospital in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

Considering Mama Christiana’s age, the doctors team decided to do single knee replacement on the left knee, while replacement on the left knee, while replacement on the left knee, while the second to be done, after a span of 2 months.

Dr. Abhishek Patil and team at Genesis specialist Hospital took 3 hours to successfully complete the total knee replacement procedure using best quality implants. Immediately within an hour of the surgery, Mama Christiana not only met us with a smile but  gave a very lovely feedback of how grateful she was of the medical team.

But the real challenge was yet to come. The post operative care is not so easy when you are in the grave pain. But Mama Cristiana fought it bravely. She did all the exercises that physiotherapist advised with smile. When we met her on the third day after the surgery she walked for us to show the important. At home, Mary ensured keeping Mama Christiana engaged in day to day activities while diligently ensuring timely Physiotherapy and medication was provided for. It is magical seeing Mama Christiana walking around the house taking care of daily chores.

We love Mama Christiana and wish her speedy recovery